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Research Support

Research Support Organization

Research Promoting Office Head : Miho Saito

Support for the promotion of research projects and T-CiRA Joint Program

Medical Applications Promoting Office Head : Atsushi Onodera

Support for the promotion of regenerative medicine and drug discovery utilizing iPS cell technologies

International Public Communications Office Head : Akemi Nakamura

Manages public relations activities, dispatches information on the website or in publications
and plans events to exchange opinions between researchers as well as with the public

iPSC Research Fund Office Head : Megumi Ikeda

Planning of fundraising activities and donor communications

CiRA Administrative Office

Administration Head : Kenya Enomoto
Administration Deputy Head : Keiji Nankou

Manages general affairs

Administration Assistant Head : Megumi Ikeda and Kazuyuki Kamano

Assist a head and operational coordination

General Affairs Section, Manager : Hiroyuki Kodera

Communicates with the university head office and holds executive board meetings,
faculty meetings, etc.

Fund Section, Manager : Takehiro Nishio

Responsible for iPS Cell Research Fund

Personnel Section, Manager : Hiroshi Kashimura

Responsible for human resources

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