For the Public
For the Public
Other Questions
Other Questions
The following answers are based on information available as of January 2021.
I would like to ask Prof. Shinya Yamanaka to give a lecture. What is the procedure?
We have received many requests for Professor Shinya Yamanaka to give lectures, but he is currently extremely busy with research and other duties and is unable to accept requests.
I would like to receive a message (including video) from Professor Shinya Yamanaka. What should I do?
Due to the difficulty in securing Professor Shinya Yamanaka’s time, we are declining requests for messages from him. We appreciate your understanding.
Can you provide photos related to CiRA, such as those of Professor Shinya Yamanaka and human iPS cells?
If you wish to have photos for Press, please see "Media Gallery."
If you wish to have photos for purposes other than press, please contact us here.
Please note that we do not provide photos for commercial purposes or to individuals.
I would like to obtain permission to use a photograph of Professor Shinya Yamanaka taken by myself or obtained from a photo service company in a publication, on the Web, in a TV program, etc. What procedures are necessary?
Please contact us with your specific request. Please note that we do not grant permission for commercial purposes or when an individual wishes to use the photo for open to the public.
I would like to link to the CiRA website from my (personal or corporate) website. What procedures are necessary? What procedures are necessary?
Basically, you are free to link to our website. If you wish to have a link from the website of a medical institution or medical-related organization, or if you wish to use the CiRA logo, please send us here.
Please note that we do not accept the following types of links.
- Links from websites with purposes or content that are offensive to public order and morals
- Links that may mislead the public about CiRA's research and activities
- Links that may seriously damage the image or credibility of CiRA
- Links that may infringe on the rights of specific individuals or organizations
- Links that give an untrue impression of the relationship with CiRA
- Links that aim to promote the sales of a specific company, etc.
- Links that make the contents or pages of our website appear to be part of the linking website
Is Professor Shinya Yamanaka involved in the development of cosmetics?
Professor Shinya Yamanaka is not involved in the development of any cosmetics.
Do Kyoto University affiliates solicit investments related to iPS cell research?
Kyoto University does not solicit investments for the establishment of research institutes, etc.