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News & Events
January 19, 2011
CiRA Director Shinya Yamanaka to receive the King Faisal International Prize
On January 17, the King Faisal Foundation in Saudi Arabia announced that they would award the King Faisal International Prize for Medicine for the year 2011 to Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, director of the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University. Dr. Yamanaka's breakthrough of establishing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) has been highly praised.
The Prize is given to individuals who have made distinguished contributions in five fields including medicine. Dr. Yamanaka's co-winner is Dr. James Alexander Thomson, a professor of the University of Wisconsin, who succeeded in generating stem cells from embryos for the first time in the world.
King Faisal Foundation HP: http://www.kff.com/EN01/KFIP/KFIPIndex.html