Research Activities
Research Activities
Principal Investigators
Uehiro Research Div. for iPS Cell Ethics
Jusaku Minari (Associate Professor)
J. Minari.
- The use of AI to facilitate the appropriate development of genomic medicine. Idenshi Igaku, Vol. 14, pp 75-80, 2024 (in Japanese).
O. Andrusier, A. Raz and J. Minari.
- Cultivating awareness of donation in cutting-edge allogenic cell therapies. Cell Stem Cell (Letter), Vol. 31, pp 947-948, 2024.
A. Hibino, J. Minari, K. Takahashi, Y. Sugiyama and S. Kawana.
- The cultural construction of cellular agriculture food: Through the lens of the whole-parts framework for meat. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (Perspective), 8:1358012, 2024.
H. Gaydarska, K. Takashima, S. Shahrier, A. Raz and J. Minari.
- The interplay of ethics and genetic technologies in balancing the social valuation of the human genome in UNESCO declarations. European Journal of Human Genetics, Vol. 32, pp 725-730, 2024.
G. Yoshizawa, N. Shinomiya, S. Kawamoto, N. Kawahara, D. Kiga, K. Hanaki, J. Minari.
- Limiting open science? Three approaches to bottom-up governance of dual-use research of concern. Pathogens and Global Health (Review), Vol. 118, pp 285-294, 2024.
S. Shahrier, H. Gaydarska, K. Takashima, G. Yoshizawa and J. Minari.
- A conceptual analysis of public opinion regarding genome research in Japan. Frontiers in Genetics (Original Research), 14:1170794, 2023.
A. Raz, J. Minari, S. Schicktanz, T. Sharon and G. Werner-Felmayer.
- Data-intensive medicine and healthcare: Ethical and social implications in the era of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making. Frontiers in Genetics (Editorial), 14:1280344, 2023.
K. Takashima, J. Minari, S. Chan and K. Muto.
- Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst: Social media posted by participants in stem cell clinical trials. Regenerative Therapy (Commentary), Vol. 24, pp 294–297, 2023.
A. Raz and J. Minari.
- AI-driven risk scores: Should social scoring and polygenic scores based on ethnicity be equally prohibited? Frontiers in Genetics (Opinion), 14:1169580, 2023.
A. Raz, J. Minari, K. Takashima, H. Gaydarska, Y. Hashiloni-Dolev and R. Horn.
- Old and new challenges regarding comparable and viable data sharing in population-scale genomic research. European Journal of Human Genetics (Viewpoint), Vol. 31, pp 617–618, 2023.
K. Takashima, T. Soma, K. Muto, K. Nishida and J. Minari.
- Learning to listen: A complementary approach to informed consent for patients with visual impairments. Stem Cell Reports (Forum), Vol. 17, pp 2582–2584, 2022.
J. Meszaros, J. Minari and I. Huys.
- The future regulation of artificial intelligence systems in healthcare services and medical research in the European Union. Frontiers in Genetics (Policy and Practice Reviews), 13:927721, 2022.
A. Raz, S. Timmermans, G. Eyal, K. Brothers and J. Minari.
- Challenges for precision public health communication in the era of genomic medicine. Genetics in Medicine (Special Article), 24:9, 2022.
N. Shinomiya, J. Minari, G. Yoshizawa, M. Dando and L. Shang.
- Reconsidering the need for gain-of-function research on enhanced potential pandemic pathogens in the post-COVID-19 era. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Policy and Practice Reviews), 10:966586, 2022.
J. Minari, N. Shinomiya, K. Takashima, and G. Yoshizawa.
- Contiguous governance of synchronic and diachronic changes for the use of genome editing technologies. Frontiers in Political Science (Perspective). 4:825496, 2022.
R. Milne, KI. Morley, MA. Almarri, J. Atutornu, EE. Baranova, P. Bevan, M. Cerezo, Y. Cong, A. Costa, C. Feijao, C. De Freitas, J. Fernow, P. Goodhand, Q. Hasan, A. Hibino, G. Houeland, HC. Howard, SZ. Hussain, CI. Malmgren, VL. Izhevskaya, A. Jędrzejak, C. Jinhong, M. Kimura, E. Kleiderman, K. Liu, D. Mascalzoni, Á. Mendes, J. Minari, D. Nicol, E. Niemiec, C. Patch, B. Prainsack, M. Rivière, L. Robarts, J. Roberts, V. Romano, HA. Sheerah, J. Smith, A. Soulier, C. Steed, V. Stefànsdóttir, C. Tandre, A. Thorogood, TH. Voigt, N. Wang, G. Yoshizawa, and A. Middleton.
- Return of genomic results does not motivate intent to participate in research for all: Perspectives across 22 countries. Genetics in Medicine, Vol. 24, pp 1120–1129, 2022.
J. Minari, M. Yokono, K. Takashima, M. Kokado. R. Ida. and Y. Hishiyama.
- Looking back: Three key lessons from 20 years of shaping Japanese genome research regulations. Journal of Human Genetics (Perspective), Vol. 66, pp 1039–1041, 2021.
K. Takashima, M. Morrison, and J. Minari.
- Reflection on the enactment and impact of safety laws for regenerative medicine in Japan. Stem Cell Reports (Perspective), 16:6. 2021.
R. Milne, KI. Morley, MA. Almarri, S. Anwer, J. Atutornu, EE. Baranova, P. Bevan, M. Cerezo, Y. Cong, A. Costa, C. Critchley, J. Fernow, P. Goodhand, Q. Hasan, A. Hibino, G. Houeland, HC. Howard, SZ. Hussain, CI. Malmgren, VL. Izhevskaya, A. Jędrzejak, C. Jinhong, M. Kimura, E. Kleiderman, B. Leach, K. Liu, D. Mascalzoni, Á. Mendes, J. Minari, D. Nicol, E. Niemiec, C. Patch, J. Pollard, B. Prainsack, M. Rivière, L. Robarts, J. Roberts, V. Romano, HA. Sheerah, J. Smith, A. Soulier, C. Steed, V. Stefànsdóttir, C. Tandre, A. Thorogood, TH. Voigt, N. Wang, AV. West, G. Yoshizawa, and A. Middleton.
- Demonstrating trustworthiness when collecting and sharing genomic data: Public views across 22 countries. Genome Medicine, 13:92. 2021.
J. Minari.
- Genomics and society. BIO Clinica, Vol. 36, pp 51–55, 2021 (in Japanese).
K. Mikami, A. Ema, J. Minari, and G. Yoshizawa.
- ELSI is our next battlefield. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, Vol. 15, pp 86–96, 2021.
J. Minari, G. Yoshizawa, and N. Shinomiya.
- COVID-19 and the boundaries of open science and innovation: Lesson of traceability from genomic data sharing and biosecurity. EMBO reports. e51773. 2020.
A. Middleton, R. Milne, MA. Almarri, S. Anwer, J. Atutornu, EE. Baranova, P. Bevan, M. Cerezo, Y. Cong, C. Critchley, J. Fernow, P. Goodhand, Q. Hasan, A. Hibino, G. Houeland, HC. Howard, SZ. Hussain, CI. Malmgren, VL. Izhevskaya, A. Jędrzejak, C. Jinhong, M. Kimura, E. Kleiderman, B. Leach, K. Liu, D. Mascalzoni, A. Mendes, J. Minari, N. Wang, D. Nicol, E. Niemiec, C. Patch, J. Pollard, B. Prainsack, M. Rivière, L. Robarts, J. Roberts, V. Romano, HA. Sheerah, J. Smith, A. Soulier, C. Steed, V. Stefànsdóttir, C. Tandre, A. Thorogood, TH. Voigt, AV. West, G. Yoshizawa, and KI. Morley.
- Global public perceptions of genomic data sharing: What shapes the willingness to donate DNA and health data? The American Journal of Human Genetics, Vol. 107, pp 743–752, 2020.
M. Prictor, MA. Lewis, AJ. Newson, M. Haas, S. Baba, H. Kim, M. Kokado, J. Minari, F. Molnár-Gábor, B. Yamamoto, J. Kaye and HJA. Teare.
- Dynamic consent: An evaluation and reporting framework. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, Vol. 15, pp 175–186, 2020.
G. Yoshizawa, and J. Minari.
- Next nature and next generations: Dialogue at Sakushima, Sadogashima and Teshima. Islands, Vol. 261, pp 68–75, 2020 (in Japanese).
A. Hibino, G. Yoshizawa and J. Minari.
Meaning of ambiguity: A Japanese survey on synthetic biology and genome editing.
Frontiers in Sociology, 4:81, 2019.
Y. Hishiyama, J. Minari and N Suganuma.
The survey of public perception and general knowledge of genomic research and medicine in Japan conducted by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development.
Journal of Human Genetics, Vol. 64, pp 397–407, 2019.
J. Minari, K. B. Brothers and M. Morrison.
- Tensions in ethics and policy created by National Precision Medicine Programs. Human Genomics (Opinion Article), 12:22, 2018.
J. Minari, O. Kato, M. Sakurai and A. Saito.
- The novel approach of AMED in realizing genomic medicine: The process of achieving the AMED data sharing policy. Idenshi Igaku MOOK, Vol. 33, pp 168–172, 2018 (in Japanese).
J. Kaye, S. F. Terry, E. Juengst, S. Coy, J. R. Harris, D. Chalmers, E. S. Dove, I. Budin-Ljosne, C. Adebamowo, E. Ogbe, L. Bezuidenhout, M. Morrison, J. T. Minion, M. J. Murtagh, J. Minari, H. Teare,
R. Isasi, K. Kato, E. Rial-Sebbag, P. Marshall, B. Koenig and A.Cambon-Thomsen.- Including all voices in international data-sharing governance. Human Genomics (Opinion Article), 12:13, 2018.
J. Minari.
- Island lessons: Inheritance, solidarity, creativity (Considerations of islands, science and technologies and art). Islands, Vol. 253, pp 56–59, 2018 (in Japanese).
J. Minari and G. Yoshizawa.
- Ethics policy and public engagement in biomedical research on genomic information. Journal of Medicine, Life and Ethics, Society, Vol. 14, pp 52–60, 2017 (in Japanese).
V. Coathup, H. Teare, J. Minari, G. Yoshizawa, J. Kaye, M. Takahashi and K. Kato.
- Using digital technologies to engage with medical research: Views of myotonic dystrophy patients in Japan. BMC Medical Ethics, 17:51, 2016.
D. Chalmers, D. Nicol, J. Kaye, J. Bell, A. V. Campbell, C. W. Ho, K. Kato, J. Minari, C. H. Ho, C. Mitchell, F. Molnár-Gábor, M. Otlowski, D. Thiel, S. M. Fullerton and T. Whitton.
- Has the biobank bubble burst? Withstanding the challenges for sustainable biobanking in the digital era. BMC Medical Ethics (Review), 17:39, 2016.
J. Minari.
- Genomic data sharing in the personal genome era: Data sharing policy and ethical considerations. Journal of Medicine, Life and Ethics, Society, Vol. 12, pp 105–114, 2015 (in Japanese).
J. Minari, H. Teare, C. Mitchell, J. Kaye and K. Kato.
- The emerging need for family-centric initiatives for obtaining consent in personal genome research. Genome Medicine (Comment), 6:118, 2014.
J. Minari, D. Chalmers and K. Kato.
- Return of genetic research results: The Japanese experience and its implications for the international debate. SCRIPTed (Analysis), Vol. 11, pp 180–192, 2014.
G. Yoshizawa, C. W. Ho, W. Zhu, C. Hu, Y. Syukriani, I. Lee, H. Kim, D. F. Tsai, J. Minari and K. Kato.
- ELSI practices in genomic research in East Asia: Implications for research collaboration and public participation. Genome Medicine (Review), 6:39, 2014.
J. Minari, T. Shirai and K. Kato.
- Ethical considerations of research policy for personal genome analysis: The approach of the Genome Science Project in Japan. Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 10:4, 2014.
J. Minari and K. Kato.
- Research governance in the personal genome era. Medicine and Drug Journal, Vol. 50, pp 55–58, 2014 (in Japanese).
J. Minari.
- Challenges and perspectives on biomedical research in Introduction to Bioethics. ed. M. Maruyama (Daigaku Kyoiku Shuppan, 2024) (in Japanese).
J. Minari.
Regulation of genetic information and biobanking in Japan
in Practical Handbook for Handling Human Biospecimens and Data. su. T. Morisaki, H. Nishihara,
Y. Miyaji. ed. S. Ogishima, (Yodosha, 2023)(in Japanese). J. Minari.
- Genomic medicine in Bioethics: Inheritance and development. ed. M. Maruyama (Kawashima Shoten, 2018) (in Japanese).