Research Activities
Research Activities
Principal Investigators
Dept. of Life Science Frontiers
Mitinori Saitou (Professor)
Okamoto I, Nakamura T, Sasaki K, Yabuta Y, Iwatani C, Tsuchiya H, Nakamura S, Ema M, Yamamoto T, Saitou M
- The X-chromosome dosage compensation program during the development of cynomolgus monkeys Science, 374(6570):eabd8887 (2021)
Yokobayashi S, Yabuta Y, Nakagawa M, Okita K, Hu B, Murase Y, Nakamura T, Bourque G, Majewski J, Yamamoto T, Saitou M
- Inherent genomic properties underlie the epigenomic heterogeneity of human induced pluripotent stem cells Cell Reports, 37(5):109909 (2021)
Taguchi J, Shibata H, Kabata M, Kato M, Fukuda K, Tanaka A, Ohta S, Ukai T, Mitsunaga M, Yamada Y, Nagaoka S, Yamazawa S, Ohnishi K, Woltjen K, Ushiku T, Ozawa M, Saitou M, Shinkai Y, Yamamoto T, Yamada Y
- DMRT1-mediated reprogramming drives development of cancer resembling human germ cell tumors with features of totipotency Nature Communications, 12(1):5041 (2021)
Ishikura Y, Ohta H, Sato T, Murase Y, Yabuta Y, Kojima Y, Yamashiro C, Nakamura T, Yamamoto T, Ogawa T, Saitou M
- In vitro reconstitution of the whole male germ-cell development from mouse pluripotent stem cells Cell Stem Cell, 28(12):2167-2179.e9 (2021)
Lovell-Badge R, Anthony E, Barker RA, Bubela T, Brivanlou AH, Carpenter M, Charo RA, Clark A, Clayton E, Cong Y, Daley GQ, Fu J, Fujita M, Greenfield A, Goldman SA, Hill L, Hyun I, Isasi R, Kahn J, Kato K, Kim J-S, Kimmelman J, Knoblich JA, Mathews D, Montserrat N, Mosher J, Munsie M, Nakauchi H, Naldini L, Naughton G, Niakan K, Ogbogu U, Pedersen R, Rivron N, Rooke H, Rossant J, Round J, Saitou M, Sipp D, Steffann J, Sugarman J, Surani A, Takahashi J, Tang F, Turner L, Zettler PJ, Zhai X
- ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation: The 2021 update Stem Cell Reports, 16(6):1398-1408 (2021)
Sasaki K, Oguchi A, Cheng K, Murakawa Y, Okamoto I, Ohta H, Yabuta Y, Iwatani C, Tsuchiya H, Yamamoto T, Seita Y, Saitou M
- The embryonic ontogeny of the gonadal somatic cells in mice and monkeys Cell Reports, 35(5):109075 (2021)
Io S, Kabata M, Iemura Y, Semi K, Morone N, Minagawa A, Wang B, Okamoto I, Nakamura T, Kojima Y, Iwatani C, Tsuchiya H, Kaswandy B, Kondoh E, Kaneko S, Woltjen K, Saitou M, Yamamoto T, Mandai M, Takashima Y
- Capturing human trophoblast development with naive pluripotent stem cells in vitro Cell Stem Cell, 28(6):1023-1039.e13 (2021)
Kojima, Y., Yamashiro, C., Murase, Y., Yabuta, Y., Okamoto, I., Iwatani, C., Tsuchiya, H., Nakaya, M., Tsukiyama, T., Nakamura, T., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- GATA transcription factors, SOX17 and TFAP2C, drive the human germ-cell specification program. Life Sci Alliance., 4(5):e202000974 (2021)
Yamashiro C, Sasaki K, Yokobayashi S, Kojima Y, Saitou M.
- Generation of human oogonia from induced pluripotent stem cells in culture. Nat Protoc., 15(4):1560-1583 (2020)
Yamashiro, C., Sasaki, K., Yabuta, Y., Kojima, Y., Nakamura, T., Okamoto, I., Yokobayashi, S., Murase, Y., Ishikura, Y., Shirane, K., Sasaki, H., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- Generation of human oogonia from induced pluripotent stem cells in vitro. Science, 362(6412):356-360 (2018)
Floros, V. I., Pyle, A., Dietmann, S., Wei, W., Tang, W. W. C., Irie, N., Payne, B. A. I., Capalbo, A., Noli, L., Coxhead, J., Hudson, G., Crosier, M., Strahl, H., Khalaf, Y., Saitou, M., Ilic, D., Surani, M. A., Chinnery, P. F.
- Segregation of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy through a development genetic bottleneck in human embryos. Nature Cell Biology. 20, 144-151. (2018)
Miyauchi, H., Ohta, H., and Saitou, M.
- Induction of Fetal Primary Oocytes and the Meiotic Prophase from Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells. Methods in Cell Biology in press. (2017)
Nagaoka, S. and Saitou, M.
- Reconstitution of Female Germ Cell Fate Determination and Meiotic Initiation in Mammals. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 80. doi: 10.1101/sqb.2017.82.033803. (2017)
Ishikura, Y. and Saitou, M.
- In Vitro Spermatogenesis. Encyclopedia of Reproduction Second Edition. in press. (2017)
Yokobayashi, Y. and Saitou, M.
- Reconstitution of germ cell development in vitro. Cell Biology of the Ovary − Stem Cells, Development, and Clinical Aspects. in press. (2017)
Ishii, T. and Saitou, M.
- Promoting in vitro Gametogenesis Research with a Social Understanding. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 23, 985-988. (2017)
Kojima, Y., Sasaki, K., Yokobayashi, S., Sakai, Y., Nakamura, T., Yabuta, Y., Nakaki, F., Nagaoka, S., Woltjen, K., Hotta, A., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- Evolutionarily Distinctive Transcriptional and Signaling Programs Drive Human Germ Cell Lineage Specification from Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 21, 517-532. (2017)
Mitani, T., Yabuta, Y., Ohta, H., Nakamura, T., Yamashiro, C., Yamamoto, T., Saitou, M., and Kurimoto, K.
- Principles for the regulation of multiple developmental pathways by a versatile transcriptional factor, BLIMP1. Nucleic Acids Research. 45, 12152-12169. doi:10.1093/nar/gkx798. (2017)
Azami, T., Waku, T., Matsumoto, K., Jeon, H., Muratani, M., Kawashima, A., Yanagisawa, J., Manabe, I., Nagai, R., Kunath, T., Nakamura, T., Kurimoto, K., Saitou, M., Takahashi, S., and Ema, M.
- Klf5 maintains the balance of primitive endoderm to epiblast specification during mouse embryonic development by suppression of Fgf4. Development. 144, 3706-3718. (2017)
Miyauchi, H., Ohta, H., Nagaoka, S., Nakaki, F., Sasaki, K., Hayashi, K., Yabuta, Y., Nakamura, T., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- Bone morphogenetic protein and retinoic acid synergistically specify female germ cell fate in mice. The EMBO Journal. 36, 3100-3119. (2017)
Hirota, T., Ohta, H., Powell, B. E., Mahadevaiah, S., K., Ojarikre, O. A., *Saitou, M., and *Turner, J. M. A.
- Fertile offspring from sterile sex chromosome trisomic mice.
Science. 357, 932-935. (2017)
* Co-correspondence Borensztein, M., Okamoto, I., Syx, L., Guilbaud, G., Christel, P., Ancelin, K., Diabangouaya, P., Servant, N., Barillot, E., Surani, A., Saitou, M., Chen, C-J., Anastassiadis, K., and Heard, E.
- Contribution of epigenetic landscapes and transcription factors to X-chromosome reactivation in the inner cell mass. Nature Communications. 8, 1297. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01415-5. (2017)
Ogushi, S., Yamagata, K., Obuse, C., Furuta, K., Wakayama, T., Matzuk, M., M., and Saitou, M.
- Reconstitution of the Oocyte Nucleolus in Mice by a Single Nucleolar Protein, NPM2. Journal of Cell Science. 130, 2416-2492. (2017)
Yokobayashi, S., Okita, K., Nakagawa, M., Nakamura, T., Yabuta, Y., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- Clonal Variation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Induction into the Germ Cell Fate. Biology of Reproduction. 96, 1154-1166. (2017)
Ohta, H., Kurimoto, K., Okamoto, I., Nakamura, T., Yabuta, Y., Miyauchi, H., Yamamoto, T., Okuno, Y., Hagiwara, H., Shirane, K., Sasaki, H., and Saitou, M.
- In vitro expansion of mouse primordial germ cell-like cells recapitulates an epigenetic blank slate. The EMBO Journal. 36, 1888-1907. (2017)
Nakamura, T., Yabuta, Y., Okamoto, I., Sasaki, K., Iwatani, C., Tsuchiya, H., and Saitou, M.
- Single-cell transcriptome of early embryos and cultured embryonic stem cells of cynomolgus monkeys. Scientific Data. 4:170067. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.67. eCollection. (2017)
Honda, A., Choijookhuu, N., Izu, H., Kawano, Y., Inokuchi, M., Honsho, K., Lee, A. R., Nabekura, H., Ohta, H., Tsukiyama, T., Ohinata, Y., Kuroiwa, A., Hishikawa, Y., Saitou, M., Jogahara, T., and Koshimoto, C.
- Flexible adaptation of male germ cells from female iPS cells of endangered Tokudaia osimensis. Science Advances. 3:e1602179. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1602179. eCollection 2017 May. (2017)
Honda, A., Kawano, Y., Izu, H., Choijookhuu, N., Honsho, K., Nakamura, T., Yabuta, Y., Takashima, Y., Yamamoto, T., Hirose, M., Sankai, T., Hishikawa, Y., Ogura, A., and Saitou, M.
- Discrimination of Stem Cell Status after Subjecting Cynomolgus Monkey Pluripotent Stem Cells to Naïve Conversion. Scientific Reports. 7:45285. doi: 10.1038/srep45285. (2017)
Toh, H., Shirane, K., Miura, F., Kubo, N., Ichiyanagi, K., Hayashi, K., Saitou, M., Suyama, M., Ito, T., and Sasaki, H.
- Software updates in the Illumina HiSeq platform affect whole-genome bisulfite sequencing. BMC Genomics. 18, 31. doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-3392-9. (2017)
Ishikura, Y., Yabuta, Y., Ohta, H., Hayashi, K., Nakamura, T., Okamoto, I., Yamamoto, T., Kurimoto, K., Shirane, K., Sasaki, H., and Saitou, M.
- In Vitro Derivation and Propagation of Spermatogonial Stem Cell Activity from Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Reports. 17, 2789-2804. (2016)
Hikabe, O., Hamazaki, N., Nagamatsu, G., Obata, Y., Hirao, Y., Hamada, N., Shimamoto, S., Imamura, T., Nakashima, K., Saitou, M., and Hayashi, K.
- Reconstitution in vitro of the entire cycle of the mouse female germline. Nature. 539, 299-303. (2016)
Sasaki, K., Nakamura, T., Okamoto, I., Yabuta, Y., Iwatani, C., Tsuchiya, H., Seita, Y., Nakamura, S., Shiraki, N., Takakuwa, T., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- The Germ Cell Fate of Cynomolgus Monkeys is Specified in the Nascent Amnion. Developmental Cell. 39, 169-185. (2016)
Shirane, K., Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., Yamaji, M., Satoh, J., Ito, S., Watanabe, A., Hayashi, K., Saitou, M., and Sasaki, H.
- Global Landscape and Regulatory Principles of DNA Methylation Reprogramming for Germ Cell Specification by Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells. Developmental Cell. 39, 87-103. (2016)
Nakamura, T., Okamoto, I., Sasaki, K., Yabuta, Y., Iwatani, C., Tsuchiya, H., Seita, Y., Nakamura, S., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- A developmental coordinate of pluripotency among mice, monkeys, and humans. Nature. 537, 57-62. (2016)
Saitou, M. and Miyauchi, H.
- Gametogenesis from Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 18, 721-735. (2016)
Seita, Y., Tsukiyama, T., Iwatani, C., Tsuchiya, H., Matsushita, J., Azami, T., Okahara, J., Nakamura, S., Hayashi, Y., Hitoshi, S., Itoh, Y., Imamura, T., Nishimura, M., Tooyama, I., Miyoshi, H., Saitou, M., Ogasawara, K., Sasaki, E., and Ema, M.
- Generation of transgenic cynomolgus monkeys that express green fluorescent protein throughout the whole body. Scientific Reports. 6:24868. doi: 10.1038/srep24868. (2016)
Burkhardt, S., Borsos, M., Szydlowska, A., Godwin, J., Williams, S., A., Cohen, P. E., Hirota, T., Saitou. M., and Tachibana-Konwalski, K.
- Chromosome Cohesion Established by Rec8-Cohesin in Fetal Oocytes Is Maintained without Detectable Turnover in Oocytes Arrested for Months in Mice. Current Biology. 26, 678-685. (2016)
Yamashiro, C., Hirota, T., Kurimoto, K., Nakamura, T., Yabuta, Y., Nagaoka, S., Ohta, H., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- Persistent Requirement and Alteration of the Key Targets of PRDM1 during Primordial Germ Cell Development in Mice. Biology of Reproduction. 94, 7:1-14. (2016)
Kurimoto, K., and Saitou, M.
- Mechanism and Reconstitution In Vitro of Germ Cell Development in Mammals. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 80, 147-54. (2015)
Sasaki, K., Yokobayashi, S., Nakamura, T., Okamoto, I., Yabuta, Y., Kurimoto, K., Ohta, H., Moritoki, Y., Iwatani, C., Tsuchiya, H., Nakamura, S., Sekiguchi, K., Sakuma, T., Yamamoto, T., Mori, T., Woltjen, K., Nakagawa, M., Yamamoto, T., Takahashi, K., Yamanaka, S., and Saitou, M.
- Robust In Vitro Induction of Human Germ Cell Fate from Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 17, 178-194. (2015)
Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., Hayashi, K., Ohta, H., Kiyonari, H., Mitani, T., Moritoki, Y., Kohri, K., Kimura, H., Yamamoto, T., Katou, Y., Shirahige, K., and Saitou, M.
- Quantitative Dynamics of Chromatin Remodeling during Germ Cell Specification from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 16, 517-532. (2015)
Nakamura, T., Yabuta, Y., Okamoto, I., Aramaki, S., Yokobayashi, S., Kurimoto, K., Sekiguchi, K., Nakagawa, M., Yamamoto, T., and Saitou, M.
- SC3-seq: A method for highly parallel and quantitative measurement of single-cell gene expression. Nucleic Acids Research. 43, e60. (2015)
Hirai, H., Fujishita, T., Kurimoto, K., Miyachi, H., Kitano, S., Inamoto, S., Itatani, Y., Saitou, M., Maekawa, T., and Taketo, M. M.
- CCR1-mediated accumulation of myeloid cells in the liver microenvironment promoting mouse colon cancer metastasis. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis. 31, 977-989. (2014)
Saitou, M., and Kurimoto, K.
- Paternal nucleosomes: Are they retained in developmental promoters or gene deserts? Developmental Cell. 30, 6-8. (2014)
Kimura, T., Kaga, Y., Ohta, H., Odamoto, M., Sekita, Y., Li, K., Yamano, N., Fujikawa, K., Isotani, A., Sasaki, N., Toyoda, M., Hayashi, K., Okabe, M., Shinohara, T., Saitou, M., and Nakano, T.
- Induction of primordial germ cell-like cells from mouse embryonic stem cells by ERK signal inhibition. Stem Cells. 32, 2668-2678. (2014)
Nakaki, F., and Saitou, M.
- PRDM14: A unique regulator for pluripotency and epigenetic reprogramming. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 39, 289-298. (2014)
Schulz, E. G., Meisig, J., Nakamura, T., Okamoto, I., Sieber, A., Picard, C., Borensztein, M., Saitou, M., Blüthgen, N., and Heard, E.
- The two active X chromosomes in female embryonic stem cells block exit from the pluripotent state by modulating the ES cell signaling network. Cell Stem Cell. 14, 203-216. (2014)
Ohnishi, Y., Huber, W., Tsumura, A., Kang, M., Xenopoulos, P., Kurimoto, K., Oleś, A. K., Araúzo-Bravo, M. J., Saitou, M., Hadjantonakis, A., and Hiiragi, T.
- Cell-to-cell expression variability followed by signal reinforcement progressively segregates early mouse lineages. Nature Cell Biology. 16, 27-37. (2014)
Aramaki, S., Hayashi, K., Kurimoto, K., Ohta, H., Yabuta, Y., Iwanari, H., Mochizuki, Y., Hamakubo, T., Kato, Y., Shirahige, K., and Saitou, M.
- A mesodermal factor, T, specifies mouse germ cell fate by directly activating germline determinants. Developmental Cell. 27, 516-529. (2013)
Payer, B., Rosenberg, M., Yamaji, M., Yabuta, Y., Michiyo, K-A., Hayashi, K., Yamanaka, S., Saitou, M., and Lee, J. T.
- Tsix RNA and the germline factor, PRDM14, link X-reactivation and stem cell reprogramming. Molecular Cell. 52, 805-818. (2013)
Nakaki, F., Hayashi, K., Ohta, H., Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., and Saitou, M.
- Induction of the mouse germ cell fate by transcription factors in vitro. Nature. 501, 222-226. (2013)
Ohno, R., Nakayama, M., Naruse, C., Okashita, N., Takano, O., Tachibana, M., Asano, M., Saitou, M., and Seki, Y.
- A replication-dependent passive mechanism modulates DNA demethylation in mouse primordial germ cells. Development. 140, 2892-2903. (2013)
Hayashi, K., and Saitou, M.
- Generation of eggs from mouse embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature Protocols. 8, 1513-1524. (2013)
Hayashi, K., and Saitou, M.
- Stepwise differentiation from naïve state pluripotent stem cells to functional primordial germ cells through an epiblast-like state. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1074, 175-183. (2013)
Yamaji, M., Ueda, J., Hayashi, K., Ohta, H., Yabuta, Y., Kurimoto, K., Nakato, R., Shirahige, K., and Saitou, M.
- PRDM14 ensures naïve pluripotency through dual regulation of signaling and epigenetic pathways in mouse embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 12, 368-382. (2013)
Kagiwada, S., Kurimoto, K., Hirota, T., Yamaji, M., and Saitou, M.
- Replication-coupled passive DNA demethylation for the erasure of genome imprints in mice. The EMBO Journal. 32, 340-353. (2013)
Hayashi, K., Ogushi, S., Kurimoto, K., Shimamoto, S., Ohta, H., and Saitou, M.
- Offspring from oocytes derived from in vitro primordial germ cell-like cells in mice. Science. 338, 971-975. (2012)
Vincent, S.D., Mayeuf, A., Niro, C., Saitou, M., Buckingham, M.
- Non conservation of function for the evolutionarily conserved Prdm1 protein in the control of the slow twitch myogenic program in the mouse embryo. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29, 3181-3191. (2012)
Mochizuki, K., Tachibana, M., Saitou, M., Tokitake, Y., and Matsui, Y.
- Implication of DNA demethylation and bivalent histone modification for selective gene regulation in mouse primordial germ cells. PloS ONE. 7, e46036. (2012)
Saitou, M., and Yamaji, M.
- Primordial germ cells in mice. CSH Perspectives in Biology. 4. (2012)
Hayashi, Y., Saitou, M., Yamanaka, S.
- Germline development from human pluripotent stem cells toward disease modeling of infertility. Fertility and Sterility. 97, 1250-1259. (2012)
Saitou, M., Kagiwada, S., and Kurimoto, K.
- Epigenetic reprogramming in mouse pre-implantation development and primordial germ cells. Development. 139, 15-31. (2012)
Ichiyanagi, K., Li, Y., Watanabe, T., Ichiyanagi, T., Fukuda, K., Kitayama, J., Yamamoto, Y., Kuramochi-Miyagawa, S., Nakano, T., Yabuta, Y., Seki, Y., Saitou, M., and Sasaki, H.
- Locus- and domain-dependent control of DNA methylation at mouse B1 retrotransposons during male germ cell development. Genome Research. 21, 2058-2066. (2011)
Abe, K., Naruse, C., Kato, T., Nishiuchi, T., Saitou, M., and Asano, M.
- Loss of hererochromatin protein 1 gamma reduces the number of primordial germ cells via impaired cell-cycle progression in mice. Biology of Reproduction. 85, 1013-1024. (2011)
Lee, J., Ogushi, S., Saitou, M., and Hirano, T.
- Condensins I and II are essential for construction of bivalent chromosomes in mouse oocytes. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 22, 3465-3477. (2011)
Hayashi, K., Ohta, H., Kurimoto, K., Aramaki, S., and Saitou, M.
- Reconstitution of the mouse germ cell specification pathway in culture by pluripotent stem cells. Cell. 146, 519-532. (2011)
Hirota, T., Ohta, H., Shigeta, M., Niwa, H., and Saitou, M.
- Drug-inducible gene recombination by the Dppa3-MER Cre MER transgene in the developmental cycle of the germ cell lineage in mice. Biology of Reproduction. 85, 367-377. (2011)
Inoue, A., Ogushi, S., Saitou, M., Suzuki, M.G., and Aoki, F.
- Involvement of murine Nucleoplasmin 2 in the decondensation of sperm chromatin after fertilization. Biology of Reproduction. 85, 70-77. (2011)
Yabuta, Y., Ohta, H., Abe, T., Kurimoro, K., Chuma, S., and Saitou, M.
- TDRD5 is required for retrotransposon silencing, chromatoid body assembly and spermiogenesis in mice. The Journal of Cell Biology. 192, 781-795. (2011)
Kurimoto, K., and Saitou, M.
- A global single-cell cDNA amplification method for quantitative microarray analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology. 687, 91-111. (2011)
Yamagata, K., Ueda, J., Mizutani, E., Saitou, M., and Wakayama, T.
- Survival and death of epiblast cells during embryonic stem cell derivation revealed by long-term live-cell imaging with an Oct4 reporter system. Developmental Biology. 346, 90-101. (2010)
Kurimoto, K., and Saitou, M.
- Single-cell cDNA microarray profiling of complex biological processes of differentiation. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. 20, 470-477. (2010)
Ogushi, S., and Saitou, M.
- The nucleolus in the mouse oocyte is required for the early step of both female and male pronucleus organization. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 56, 495-501. (2010)
Muto, S., Hata, M., Taniguchi, J., Tsuruoka, S., Moriwaki, K., Saitou, M., Furuse, K., Sasaki, H., Fujimura, A., Imai, M., Kusano, E., Tsukita, S., and Furuse, M.
- Claudin-2-deficient mice are defective in the leaky and cation-selective paracellular permeability properties of renal proximal tubules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. 107, 8011-8016. (2010)
Saitou, M., and Yamaji, M.
- Germ cell specification in mice: Signalling, transcription regulation and epigenetic consequences. Reproduction. 139, 931-942. (2010)
Miyauchi, Y., Ninomiya, K., Miyamoto, H., Sakamoto, A., Iwasaki, R., Hoshi, H., Miyamoto, K., Hao, W., Yoshida, S., Morioka, H., Chiba, K., Kato, S., Tokuhisa, T., Saitou, M., Toyama, Y., Suda, T., and Miyamoto, T.
- The Blimp1-Bcl6 axis is critical to regulate osteoclast differentiation and bone homeostasis. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 207, 751-762. (2010)
Yamaji, M., Tanaka, T., Shigeta, M., Chuma, S., Saga, Y., and Saitou, M.
- Functional reconstruction of Nanos3 expression in the germ cell lineage by a novel transgenic reporter reveals distinct subcellular localizations of Nanos3. Reproduction. 139, 381-393. (2010)
Yamaguchi, S., Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., Sasaki, H., Nakatsuji, N., Saitou, M., and Tada, T.
- Conditional knockdown of Nanog induces apoptotic cell death in mouse migrating primordial germ cells. Development. 136, 4011-4020. (2009)
Ohta, H., Ohinata, Y., Ikawa, M., Morioka, Y, Sakaide, Y., Saitou, M., Kanagawa, O., and Wakayama, T.
- Male germline and embryonic stem cell lines from NOD mice: Efficient derivation of GS cells from a nonpermissive strain for ES cell derivation. Biology of Reproduction. 81, 1147-1153. (2009)
Saitou, M.
- Germ cell specification in mice. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. 19, 386-395. (2009)
Ohinata, Y., Ohta, H., Shigeta, M., Yamanaka, K., Wakayama, T., and Saitou, M.
- A signaling principle for the specification of the germ cell lineage in mice. Cell. 137, 571-584. (2009)
Saitou, M.
- Specification of the germ cell lineage in mice. Frontiers in Bioscience. 14, 1068-1087. (2009)
Seki, Y., and Saitou, M.
- Epigenetic reprogramming in primoridial germ cell development. Research Signpost, in Genetic and Epigenetic Control of Mammalian Germ Cell Development and Function 2008. 13-35. (2008)
Kurimoto, K., Yamaji, M., Seki, Y., and Saitou, M.
- Specification of the germ cell lineage in mice: A process orchestrated by the PR-domain proteins, Blimp1 and Prdm14. Cell Cycle. 7, 3514-3518. (2008)
Kawaguchi, A., Ikawa, T., Kasukawa, T., Ueda, H. R., Kurimoto, K., Saitou, M., and Matsuzaki, F.
- Single-cell gene profiling defines differential progenitor subclasses in mammalian neurogenesis. Development. 135, 3113-3124. (2008)
Ohinata, Y., Sano, M., Shigeta, M., Yamanaka, K., and Saitou, M.
- A comprehensive, non-invasive visualization of primordial germ cell development in mice by the Blimp1-mVenus and stella-ECFP double transgenic reporter. Reproduction. 136, 503-514. (2008)
Yamaji, M., Seki, Y., Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., Yuasa, M., Shigeta, M., Yamanaka, K., Ohinata, Y., and Saitou, M.
- Critical function of Prdm14 for the establishment of the germ cell lineage in mice. Nature Genetics. 40, 1016-1022. (2008)
Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., Ohinata, Y., Shigeta, M., Yamanaka, K., and Saitou, M.
- Complex genome-wide transcription dynamics orchestrated by Blimp1 for the specification of the germ cell lineage in mice. Genes & Development. 22, 1617-1635. (2008)
*Ogushi, S., Palmieri, C., Fulka, H., Saitou, M., Miyano, T., and Fulka Jr, J.
- Maternal nucleolus is essential for early embryonic development in mammals.
Science. 319, 613-616. (2008)
* Co-correspondence Saitou, M., Yabuta, Y., and Kurimoto, K.
- Single-cell cDNA high-density oligonucleotide microarray analysis: Detection of individual cell types and properties in complex biological processes. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 16, 26-40. (2008)
Seki, Y., Yamaji, M., Yabuta, Y., Sano, M., Shigeta, M., Matsui, Y., Saga, Y., Tachibana, M., Shinkai, Y., and Saitou, M.
- Cellular dynamics associated with the genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming in migrating primordial germ cells in mice. Development. 134, 2627-2638. (2007)
Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., Ohinata, Y., and Saitou, M.
- Global single-cell cDNA amplification to provide a template for representative high-density oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Nature Protocols. 2, 739-752. (2007)
Horsley, V., O'Carroll, D., Tooze, R., Ohinata, Y., Saitou, M., Obukhanych, T., Nussenzweig, M., Tarakhovsky, A., and Fuchs, E.
- Blimp1 defines a progenitor population that governs cellular input to the sebaceous gland. Cell. 126, 587-609. (2006)
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Kurimoto, K., Yabuta, Y., Ohinata, Y., Ono, Y., Uno, D. K., Yamada, R. G., Ueda, H. R., and Saitou, M.
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Payer, B., Chuva de Sousa Lopes, S. M., Barton, S. C., Lee, C., Saitou, M., and Surani, M. A.
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* Co-correspondence Western, P., Maldonado-Saldivia, J., van den Bergen, J., Hajkova, P., Saitou, M., Barton, S., and Surani, M. A.
- Analysis of Esg1 expression in pluripotent cells and the germline reveals similarities with Oct4 and Sox2, and differences between human pluripotent cell lines. Stem Cells. 23, 1436-1442. (2005)
Ohinata, Y., Payer, B., O'Carroll, D., Ancelin, K., Ono, Y., Sano, M., Barton, S. C., Obukhanych, T., Nussenzweig, M., Tarakhovsky, A., *Saitou, M., and *Surani, M. A.
- Blimp1 is a critical determinant of the germ cell lineage in mice.
Nature. 436, 207-213. (2005)
* Co-correspondence Schulzke, J. D., Gitter, A. H., Mankertz, J., Spiegel, S., Seidler, U., Amasheh, S., Saitou, M., Tsukita, S., and Fromm, M.
- Epithelial transport and barrier function in occludin-deficient mice. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1669, 34-42. (2005)
Seki, Y., Hayashi, K., Itoh, K., Mizugaki, M., Saitou, M., and Matsui, Y.
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Surani, M. A., Ancelin, K., Hajkova, P., Lange, U. C., Payer, B., Western, P., and Saitou, M.
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Payer, B., Saitou, M., Barton, S. C., Thresher, R., Dixon, J. P. C., Zahn, D., Colledge, W. H., Carlton, M. B. L., Nakano, T., and Surani, M. A.
- stella is a maternal effect gene required for normal early development in mice. Current Biology. 13, 2110-2117. (2003)
Saitou, M., Payer, B., Lange, U. C., Erhardt, S., Barton, S. C., and Surani, M. A.
- Specification of germ cell fate in mice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 358, 1363-1370. (2003)
Lange, U. C., Saitou, M., Western, P., Barton, S. C., and Surani, M. A.
- The Fragilis interferon-inducible gene family of transmembrane proteins is associated with germ cell specification in mice. BMC Developmental Biology. 3: Issue 1. (2003)
Saitou, M., Barton, S. C., and Surani, M. A.
- A molecular programme for the specification of germ cell fate in mice. Nature. 418, 293-300. (2002)
Saitou, M., Furuse, M., Sasaki, H., Schulzke, J. D., Fromm, M., Takano, H., Noda, T., and Tsukita, S.
- Complex phenotype of mice lacking occludin, a component of tight junction strands. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 11, 4131-4142. (2000)
Itoh, M., Furuse, M., Morita, K., Kubota, K., Saitou, M., and Tsukita, S.
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Moroi, S., Saitou, M., Fujimoto, K., Sakakibara, A., Furuse, M., Yoshida, O., and Tsukita, S.
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Morita, K., Itoh, M., Saitou, M., Ando-Akatsuka, Y., Furuse, M., Yoneda, K., Imamura, S., Fujimoto, K., and Tsukita, S.
- Subcellular distribution of tight junction-associated proteins (Occludin, ZO-1, ZO-2) in rodent skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 110, 862-866. (1998)
Saitou, M., Fujimoto, K., Doi, Y., Itoh, M., Fujimoto, T., Furuse, M., Takano, H., Noda, T., and Tsukita, S.
- Occludin-deficient embryonic stem cells can differentiate into polarized epithelial cells bearing tight junctions. The Journal of Cell Biology. 141, 397-408. (1998)
Saitou, M., Tanaka, T., and Kakizuka, A.
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Hirase, T., Staddon, J. M., Saitou, M., Ando-Akatsuka, Y., Itoh, M., Furuse, M., Fujimoto, K., Tsukita, S., and Rubin, L. L.
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Sakakibara, A., Furuse, M., Saitou, M., Ando-Akatsuka, Y., and Tsukita, S.
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Saitou, M., Ando-Akatsuka, Y., Itoh, M., Furuse, M., Inazawa, J., Fujimoto, K., and Tsukita, S.
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Ando-Akatsuka, Y., Saitou, M., Hirase, T., Kishi, M., Sakakibara, A., Itoh, M., Yonemura, S., Furuse, M., and Tsukita, S.
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Kakizuka, A., and Saitou, M.
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Saitou, M., Sugai, S., Tanaka, T., Shimouchi, K., Fuchs, E., Narumiya, S., and Kakizuka, A.
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Saitou, M., Narumiya, S., and Kakizuka, A.
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